For Immediate Release: March 7, 2024
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Protect Borrowers Action applauds President Biden’s unprecedented progress cancelling student debt for millions of workers and families
Washington, D.C. – Today, in his State of the Union Address, President Biden recognized the unprecedented progress his Administration has made to address the $1.7 trillion student loan debt crisis. Despite efforts by far-right politicians—including their work to convince the majority of the Supreme Court to block 40 million borrowers from debt relief—the Biden Administration has worked to use every tool available to fix the broken student loan repayment system and provide much-needed student loan debt relief to millions of hard-working Americans. Over the last three years alone, the Biden Administration has worked to change the lives of nearly 4 million Americans by cancelling nearly $138 billion in student loan debt.
In response, Aissa Canchola Banez, Political Director of Protect Borrowers Action, issued the following statement:
“It is time to give credit where credit is due: President Biden has cancelled more student loan debt than any President in American history, and as a result, nearly 4 million Americans across our country can breathe easier and feel a sense of hope for their future. Every struggling borrower deserves the economic freedom of student debt relief and we applaud President Biden for his unprecedented progress tackling this crisis.
“The fight to cancel student debt is a fight to improve the lives of everyday Americans from all walks of life—the single mom who invested in herself in order to better support her family, the aspiring entrepreneur, and the educators, nurses, and first responders working to serve their local communities. The stakes couldn’t be higher in this upcoming election and the American people will remember who fought for them and their families.
“Donald Trump’s hand-picked Supreme Court Justices stripped debt relief from tens of millions of people, cheered on at every step by Congressional Republicans who want to push their very own constituents further into the red. President Biden made it crystal clear tonight whose side he is on—the side of workers and families—and that he will continue his fight on behalf of Americans with student loan debt. Now, it’s time to finish the job.”
About Protect Borrowers Action
Protect Borrowers Action educates, activates, and mobilizes Americans with student debt to hold right-wing officials accountable for their efforts to deny borrowers life-changing relief and keep them drowning in student debt. PBA is a fiscally sponsored project of Fund for a Better Future, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization.
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